Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day Eight - The People Demand A King

Am I a new Christian? No, but am I finally returning to Christ? Yes, and I would like to start again. So this is thirty days of learning about Christianity. Some of these posts may be short, and some may be extremely long. I don't include the verses that I will be reading because I myself found it more fulfilling to look it up and read on my own.

  • Samuel 8
Once again they turned away from God and wanted to be like other nations. They wanted a king, only for the sake of being like everyone else. By asking for a king, they had rejected God as their king. How many times have I done this? How many times have I wanted to be like everyone else, so I rejected God?

1 comment:

  1. what branch of christianity do you subscribe to/did you grow up on?
