Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day Five - Punishments for Sin Under Law

Am I a new Christian? No, but am I finally returning to Christ? Yes, and I would like to start again. So this is thirty days of learning about Christianity. Some of these posts may be short, and some may be extremely long. I don't include the verses that I will be reading because I myself found it more fulfilling to look it up and read on my own. 

  • Leviticus 20:7 - 27
Leviticus 20:18 talks about how it is wrong to sleep with a girl on her period. In that time girls were considered "unclean" at their time of the month. Later, Jesus healed a girl who had her period for years. She was considered unclean, therefor she was alone.

Some of these punishments seem harsh, but somewhat understandable. I should probably look into them more.

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